My colleague, Damien, was the official LAS photographer on the first day. He informs me of the pictures he posted to Flickr (via this comment).
Might as well clarify here: If you've seen me with my laptop open, No, I Wasn't 'Live' Blogging!
I was trying to complete several reports that were due the next day. On my right is Kuan, a colleague of mine. And no, that's not a Macbook Air I'm using (I wish!)

Originally taken by Damien Wang
Damien took these shots while I was answering The Question:

Originally uploaded by Damien Wang

Originally uploaded by Damien Wang
Seemed like I was conducting a talk, LOL.
In truth, I was nervous 'cos I was totally unprepared for the question. Wished I'd been more confident in giving my answer (the USF speaking engagement came to mind). Ah well, you live and you learn.

Originally uploaded by davidsilver
On Day-two, some librarians had the privilege of attending a dinner reception at the Istana, hosted by the President of Singapore (I didn't attend though):
President S R Nathan and Mrs Nathan hosted the first ever reception for over 200 Librarians and information professionals at the Istana this evening. The President presented LAS Professional Service Awards to 3 recipients.Damien has blogged about the dinner reception, here.

Originally uploaded by Damien Wang

Originally uploaded by Damien Wang
More photos can be found at Damien's photo sets:
- Day 1: Before lunch
- Day 1: Lunch
- Day 1: Afternoon
- Day 2: Istana reception for librarians
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