Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dating Violence Awareness Week - 7 to 14 Feb 09

To make an informed choice, one has to be aware.

From the campaign factsheet that was emailed to me:
Who are the victims of dating violence?

Anyone can be a victim.

Dating violence is not gender-biased as both males and females are both equally susceptible to dating violence. In local universities, it was found that the rate of assaults by women exceeded the rate by male students by more than 200 percent.

Although women reported more victimization than men, male victimization was common too. More men perpetrated sexual violence, but more women perpetrated physical violence and partner violence.

The younger a couple is, the higher the chances of violence existing in the relationship.

The Dating Violence Awareness week website is at

Choose Love. Not Abuse.


  1. Thanks for highlighting the dating violence awareness week. Hopefully, people will soon learn that a safe and respectful relationship is a better choice.

  2. If you are meeting a stranger online, the most important thing to do is tell someone that you trust where you are going, and for them to call and check on you at some point later onwards.


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