Each time I use a Creative Commons licensed material, I consider myself as having received a gift.
In return, by releasing my work under a CC license, it's my way of giving back.
Here's my 4th Creative Commons music project. This one was a year-long project with my band buddy, Adrian.
The individual tracks, or the entire album, can be downloaded from: Archive.org | Bandcamp.com | Jamendo.com. More details at the band blog.

- Album: 2010 Crystal Tears and the Dream Nebula
- Download at: Archive.org | Bandcamp.com | Jamendo.com
- Band: Starfish Stories :: The Band - Adrian Loo & Ivan Chew
- Original compositions by Adrian Loo & Ivan Chew
- Mixing & sound engineering: Ivan Chew
- Released: 3rd Jan 2010
- Cover art available at Flickr.com. Designed by Ivan Chew using the following Creative Commons licensed/ Public Domains works: The First Tear by lepiaf.geo (CC-BY 2.0) | Crystal Antlers by LDRBRS (CC-BY 2.0) | Planetary Nebula NGC 2371 by NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) (Public Domain)
*NOTE: Please credit Track 06 "Goodnight Not Goodbye v2.2." to:
- Dan O-Connor's instrumental track, "Love Letters" (by Dan O'Connor's "Free Music By DanoSongs.com" - licensed under a Creative Commons ATTRIBUTION 3.0 US license).
- Vocals by MyVanillaWorld - myvanillaworld.wordpress.com
- Words and arrangement by Ivan Chew - MyRightBrain.wordpress.com
2010 Crystal Tears and the Dream Nebula by Starfish Stories : The Band is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Singapore License. As long as you ATTRIBUTE the music by stating this: "Starfish Stories :: The Band - StarfishStories.wordpress.com"* in your audio, video, website, printed materials etc., you are FREE to USE, COPY, SHARE, MODIFY, or SELL (yes sell!) any of the songs from this album. In case we weren't quite clear on the above, try reading this! :)
Enjoy, world.
Hello Mr Rambling Librarian,
ReplyDeleteWhat gifts would you like to receive, not as you, but as a librarian?
"World peace".
ReplyDeleteIf that's too idealistic, then "Better informed readers".
Really. :)