Saturday, March 25, 2006

Question: Where to repair books in Singapore

I received the following question from Shash a few days ago. Have forwarded Shash's question to my colleagues over at ASK! and also posting it here (with permission). Perhaps some of you might know the answer:
I'd like to know where in Singapore I can send my books for repair. These are rather old (many about a century old) - they are relics of my student days in the UK. They are suffering rather badly in tropical Singapore. Much of their binding and the condition of the spines is in a bad shape. Hoping you might be able to point me in the right direction.

Many thanks,

Wow, a century old!


  1. Heritage Conservation Centre?

  2. Here's another possible answer:
    "The Society for the Physically Disabled - Singapore has a book-binding &
    Book Restoration section... email sales [AT] for more info.

    1. Anonymous2:19 pm

      Hi Ivan, thank you for mentioning our bookbinding service at SPD. Yes, we have a team of experienced craftsmen who do book binding and restoration. You may bring the books for repair down to our workshop at 2 Peng Nguan Street, any time from Mondays to Fridays from 9am - 5pm (kindly avoid lunch time from 12-1pm), except Public Holidays.

      Best Regards,
      Shu Yin

  3. Anonymous10:38 pm

    Hi, I was searching up bookbinding in Singapore and stumbled into your blog. Librarian, always reading Sci-Fi? I knew a guy like that in my reservist. Happy R.O.D 2nd time, Ivan. For what it's worth, I suppose it's a nice watch. -Dennis Ong

  4. Hey Dennis, yeah that's me :)


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