Sunday, February 17, 2008

Speaking at USF (Part 9): Perspectives

[From Part 8]

I've found a few blog posts about the talk. The links will be added here as I find them. And I'll blog about some of them.

Here's one by Davis Scholar Steven (cool-looking dude, 'cos his hairstyle reminded me of Lenny Kravitz and Slash!)

Steven wrote that I seemed nervous to him when I attempted to make conversation before the talk.

He's right -- I was nervous at first, now that I think about it (in turn, I've shared my perspective at this comment).

In truth I'd much preferred if he'd not mention it (who likes having their flaws pointed out, heh).

But I'm glad he mentioned it. Now I know something about myself that I'm wasn't acutely aware of.

I'd asked Steven and Lulu this question: "What are the three main things you learn in your Digital Literacy course?"

Apparently, Steven felt his reply wasn't satisfactory to him. Steven sees himself "in a revolution" but wasn't sure where his place should be in it.

Well Steven, you already are.

By sharing your perspectives via your blog.

Blogging, to me, has a lot to do with perspectives. The same issue or topic -- food, politicians, life -- would have different viewpoints, treatment and emphasis by different people.

Something might be seen as trivial might generate a significant perspective for someone else.

Like what you did.

Because from what you've shared, it's told me that nervous or not, I did the right thing by attempting conversation before the talk.

Asking that question has apparently led you to more questions you're asking yourself. I didn't deliberately set to do that but it's what I ultimately aimed to achieve. And I am likely to ask the same questions in a similar setting.

I've learned something useful which wouldn't have been apparent from my own perspective.

And by using a social medium like a blog, we allow others to clarify and add another perspective on things.

Steven's post has also made me think:

I've always maintained that it's not so much WHAT you write but HOW you write it. How do you share your honest perspective without ruffling feathers? (NOT that Steven had ruffled mine, in case you're wondering, heh).

That may be the more important aspect of New Media education than teaching people how to use tools.

[Next, Part 10]

1 comment:

  1. true indeed about how not what you write but how you write. it's like talking, where the way you use your voice makes a world of difference about what you're saying. Writing is such a cool art, because words are in that situation the writer's only form of expression.


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