Nine people (including myself) turned up at the Substation for the meetup yesterday evening, on 27 Apr 2007, 7.30pm. Most learned about the group via the Songcraft blog.
For more information on the participants, click on the image to view the notes at
The Songwriting circle was exactly like a Writer's Circle. You come prepared to share your songs and/ or listen to others and give constructive suggestions. Or just sit back and hear what others have to sing or say.
Jeremy did a fine job facilitating the session. The group laughed when he shared how he would be asking probing questions.
I was quite surprised that most didn't record and edit their music using computers. Not all were familiar with Creative Commons concept.
I've recorded some of the pieces and discussion from the session. Will post them soon. I think it was Betty or Sanny (two sisters who turned up) who asked what sort of recording equipment I used. I'll post something up on that as well.
How did I learn about Songcraft in the first place?
It was about a week after the launch of the Social Media Directory. I noticed a new entry for a group blog called Songcraft, a Songwriting Circle. Intrigued by the purpose of the group, I contacted the guy who started it, Jeremy Yew.
After a few emails, I invited him to join a screening of the Homegrown Bands documentary (that I'd arranged for the Friends of at library@esplanade).
At our first face-to-face meeting at EPCL, Jeremy said he wasn't sure what to make of the Songwriting Circle. The group hasn't really started but he'd arrange for it to happen. He'd expressed some doubts as to whether the group would take off at all.
I remember telling him that so long one stranger turned up for the session, it would have been a success.
Someone's got to do it first
So Jeremy paid for a room for three hours. He also brought a synthesizer, an amp, and a guitar. By 8pm, nine people had turned up. Five of them were new to him. I'd say that's pretty good for an event that was only advertised via his currently rather low-key Songcraft blog.
He's obviously happy about the first meetup. Heh.
My interest in Songcraft
I'm interested in their group because (1) of my own personal musical hobby, and (2) there's a good collaborative opportunity here between a group like theirs and library@esplanade. Definitely along the same lines as what the library can do for groups like the recent Ruby Brigade meetup.
Now that I've attended their first meeting, I'm even more convinced something can be worked out. Will be talking to the manager of the library and my colleagues to work out the details.