Saturday, November 25, 2006

Blogging Talk for Senior Citizens dutch translation mystery solved!

I was about to log-off for the night, to get ready for the Blogging Talk for Seniors tomorrow in about 12 hours' time, when I received this email. It definitely solved the Dutch-translation question I asked earlier (email published here with permission):
Hello Ivan

I just noticed you referred to my blogpost in Librarylingo on the Blogging for Senior Citizens event. And you were curious to know what I wrote about.

Well first of all it was meant to draw attention to the Blogging for Seniors event. I thought that was a nice initiative and I posted it as a suggestion for Dutch libraries to organise similar events.

Secondly I was intrigued by the fact that Mr. Lam Chun See at 54 was presented as the "oldest blogger". Living in a country with a surplus of older people it struck me that Singapore must have a predominantly young population and would consider people of 54 already 'senior'.

This is what I wrote about it:
"This announcement is from Singapore. The Mr. Lam Chun See from the announcement is considered at age 54 to be the oldest blogger in the country. I suppose that's how it works in countries without the problem of dejuvenation. You are considered a senior citizen much sooner. He writes a weblog with stories of his childhood years in the kampong. Maybe I'll do something like that some day. Start writing about public libraries when there were no search engines and things to do on the internet and all you had was a card catalogue and an encyclopedia to answer queries.Wait and see..

I use my blog to comment on the Dutch public library scene and to provide my colleagues with news I think is interesting or fascinating. A few months ago I also wrote about the Deafinitely Boleh event as well.

International fame! And you didn't even know!

Keep on blogging. I love reading your blog(s) and I thought Mr Lam Chun See does keep a nice blog as well.

If you're interested in Dutch libaries. I try to keep an English language log going at

And if you really want to know I'm 57.


Ria Smith | trends & advies
E rsmith [at] probiblio. nl

Thanks so much for the email, Ria. I intend mention your writing to me during the talk, as an example of the connections and conversations that can take place in the Blogosphere.

And Chun See will be happy to know that at least one (Dutch) librarian does not consider him to be old! LOL

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